175. Mental Training for Ultrarunning and (Marathon Running!)

Release Date:

In this episode of the Marathon Running Podcast, we have the
pleasure of welcoming Addie Bracy, the author of "Mental Training for
Ultrarunning." While the book primarily focuses on ultrarunners, Addie
reveals how its valuable mental training principles can be expertly applied to
benefit marathon runners gearing up for their fall races. Throughout the
episode, Addie delves into the intricate world of mental toughness for
marathoners, drawing parallels between the unique challenges faced by
ultrarunners and those encountered on the marathon course.
Addie starts by discussing the importance of understanding
psychological breakdowns in ultrarunning (similar to marathon challenges) and
how this knowledge can help runners overcome mental hurdles during races. She
delves into the concept of "Finding Your Why for Running" and shares
insights on how marathoners can discover their personal 'why' to stay motivated
during grueling months of training.
Stress management, a critical element for athletes, is explored through
the lens of Addie's book, particularly the stress response, which she explains
in Chapter 3. She reveals how these insights can be invaluable for marathoners
preparing for their races.
Chapters 4 through 8 are examined, including "Getting
Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable" (a key concept for marathon
runners), "Running the Mile You're In" (staying present during
races), "Sticking to the Grind" (commitment to training), and
"Adaptability" (adjusting to race-day conditions). Addie's
explanations offer practical strategies for marathoners to apply these
principles effectively.
Throughout the episode, Addie provides real-life examples and
anecdotes of marathon runners who have successfully used her book's mental
training strategies to enhance their race experiences. She also offers advice
on breaking through mental barriers and staying strong during races.
Addie addresses the unique challenges faced by first-time
marathoners, offering specific tips to manage pre-race nerves and uncertainty.
Additionally, she highlights how both elite and recreational marathon runners
can use the principles in her book to elevate their performance and overall
enjoyment of marathon running.
As the episode wraps up, Addie leaves our listeners with a
powerful message: the importance of mental training and preparation as they
gear up for their fall marathons. Her insights offer valuable tools and
exercises that marathoners can immediately implement to boost their mental
toughness and ultimately achieve their race-day goals.
Addie’s book is available at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/171820017X?linkCode=ssc&tag=onamzletic0bb-20&creativeASIN=171820017X&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.K5OYFFSR1ZXW&ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_aipsfrunningpodcast_4WQTFCC6V4KDXCBHCP4R_f_asin
Addie’s website https://www.strivementalperformance.com/
us on instagram @runningpodcast
Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/runningpodcast/list/4Q1SAM3KS81G?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_aipsfrunningpodcast_4WQTFCC6V4KDXCBHCP4R
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out our NEW website: www.marathonrunningpodcast.coom

175. Mental Training for Ultrarunning and (Marathon Running!)

175. Mental Training for Ultrarunning and (Marathon Running!)
Release Date
