Tomorrow’s Customer Experience Starts Here | Brad Birnbaum

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Today we talk to Brad Birnbaum, the CEO here at Kustomer, and we talk about the future of customer experience and the effects we have felt from the big events in 2020. We saw numerous changes last year, expected and unexpected, some of which being a boom in retail and an influx in customer inquiries. Remote work has been a large change that most companies have embraced and it seems companies across the board will keep this change and adapt moving forward. The customer’s expectations have changed as the world has changed, and then we discuss how and what companies can do to adapt and start to win moving forward. Summarizing 2020 1:32Remote work 4:03The change in consumer expectations 5:45How companies can start to win in 2021 7:11Artificial intelligence and machine learning 9:24Multi and omni channels 11:22The mantra all companies should have 13:29“I think remote work has impacted the vast majority of us. I think you and I are both doing this from our homes right now, right? So remote working has impacted, kind of almost everyone, and I think the world was trending towards remote work, but wow did we just put that in hyperdrive.” 4:04

Tomorrow’s Customer Experience Starts Here | Brad Birnbaum

Tomorrow’s Customer Experience Starts Here | Brad Birnbaum
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