#35 Cold Weather Garden Traditions

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You probably have those special traditions that remind you of childhood or of loved ones and times gone by.  Did you know that the garden has her own traditions too?  Today I want to share some cool weather garden traditions that you may have never realized but that you definitely want to know about for your garden this season. 
From the first cold snap to the first frost, the first picking of greens, and all the things we can grow when the weather gets cold, this season is full of traditions.
I hope that you are gearing up for the first cold snap. For us, it is coming this weekend.  I have a few traditions up my sleeve like the first gumbo of the season, but my garden will be ready too.  I have my cold weather veggies growing. I might even get to pick some radishes! We will see!!  What I know for sure is that our lives are marked by seasons, and the garden leads the way!
Join us in any fall class this season by visiting www.releaseyourinnerwildchild.com/fallofferings.
Check out our new fall issue of In Season, a gardener's intentional guide to seasonal living HERE.

#35 Cold Weather Garden Traditions

#35 Cold Weather Garden Traditions
Release Date
