At the Breaking Point With the Binge-Restrict Cycle? Listen to this

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Have you ever felt like you just can’t keep doing the same thing with food? Like you’re on a hamster wheel that you are tired of being on? I get it.   The process of trying to control your food, or “be good,” eat “clean,” or stay within a calorie range is exhausting. And it usually ends in binging or overeating at some point. The irony is that the more you try to control your eating, the more likely you are to lose control of food. And the more you try to control your weight the more likely you are to gain weight over time. So much of this is outside of our control. Because restricting and depriving ourselves goes against our body’s biology. Mother Nature is a pretty smart gal, and willpower is never going to win against her (or your body).    If you’ve had (or are having) those days where you are at your breaking point with this diet-binge cycle, then I have a treat for you. Being at your breaking point might actually be EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED - especially if it helps you shift gears to choose a different path. What is this path I’m referring to? It’s listening to your body. Giving your body what it needs. Working WITH your body rather than AGAINST it. Becoming friends with your body.    In this episode, I’m having that exact conversation with a woman named Sara Corey. I hope that as you listen, you’ll realize that your body has always wanted to be your friend. It’s been waiting for you this whole time, and it’s ready for your friendship. Are you open to this?   I can't wait for you to listen!   Let’s get connected!  Instagram: @katyharvey.rd Facebook: KatyHarveyRD Website:  Rate, Review, & Follow!   “What I didn’t know I needed!"   If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward healing their relationship with food and their body image.   Also, if you haven’t done so already, make sure you follow the Rebuilding Trust with Your Body podcast. If you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on value-packed episodes each week.  

At the Breaking Point With the Binge-Restrict Cycle? Listen to this

At the Breaking Point With the Binge-Restrict Cycle? Listen to this
Release Date
