154: Learn to Say "From" in Italian: 2 easy prepositions you need to know!

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Learn to say “from" in Italian using da and di. You'll pick up useful conversation phrases and avoid the most common mistakes!
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Today's Italian words:
Parto da = I’m leaving from
Quanto ci vuole da qui? = How long does it take from here?
Lontano da = Far from
X chilometri da = X kilometers from
Diverso/a da = Different from
Da capo = From the start
Dal mio punto di vista = From my point of view
Da casa = From home
Da oggi in poi = From today onwards
Di dove sei? = Where are you from?

154: Learn to Say "From" in Italian: 2 easy prepositions you need to know!

80: How to say "have a coffee" in Italian (and avoid a really common mistake)
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