60: How to Learn Italian - Tips from a Polyglot Italian teacher

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Join us for a Facebook live this Thursday! Ask Stefano any questions you have about Italian by joining our facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/
Learn Italian with Katie and Stefano in Italy this summer! We'll be releasing the details for our Italian immersion vacations very soon. If you think you might like to join us, subscribe to the mailing list here: courses.joyoflanguages.com/italian-immersion-vacations
Bonus materials for today's episode: joyoflanguages.com/how-to-learn-italian
Today's Italian words
Buon 2019 a tutti! = Happy 2019 everyone
Buon = good
A = to
Tutti = everyone
Oggi parliamo di cosa ci vuole per imparare bene l’italiano = Today, we're talking about what's needed to learn Italian well.
Oggi = today
Parliamo = we speak
Di = about
Cosa = what
Ci vuole = is needed
Per = in order to
Imparare = learn
Bene = well
l’italiano = Italian (literally "the Italian")
In questo nuovo anno appena iniziato = In this new year (that's) just begun.
In = in
Questo = this
Nuovo = new
Anno = Year
Appena = just
Iniziato = started
Innanzitutto, bisogna sapere ascoltare = First of all, it's necessary to know how to listen
Innanzitutto = first of all
Bisogna = it's needed/necessary
Sapere = know how to
Ascoltare = listen
Per poi ripetere e imitare = in order to then repeat and imitate.
Per = in order to
Poi = then
Ripetere = repeat
e = and
Imitare = imitate
Inoltre, ci vuole pazienza = Furthermore, you need patience
Inoltre = furthermore
Ci vuole = it's needed
Pazienza = patience
Meglio progredire piano e bene, che non rapidamente ma male = It's better to progress slowly and well, rather than quickly but badly.
Meglio = better
Progredire = progress
Piano = slowly
e = and
Bene = well
Che non = rather than
Rapidamente = quickly
Ma = but
Male = badly
Infine = in the end
Serve = it's needed
Una forte = a strong
Motivazione = motivation
La nostra passione è il motore che può portarci lontano = our passion is the engine that can take us far
La = the
Nostra = our
Passione = passion
è = is
Il motore = the engine
Che = that
Può = can
Portare = take
Ci = us
Lontano = far

60: How to Learn Italian - Tips from a Polyglot Italian teacher

60: How to Learn Italian - Tips from a Polyglot Italian teacher
Release Date
