Growing Brussels Sprouts - Ep. 209

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Back on episode 200, the Ask Me Anything episode, someone asked if I would do an episode on growing Brussels sprouts. I said no at the time because I hadn’t yet successfully grown them but indicated it may be soon because Brussels were having a moment in my garden this spring and it was looking good.
Well, here we are and we’re talking Brussels because I managed to successfully grow and harvest a summer crop from a spring planting and have round two of seedlings started already for planting soon for a fall harvest.
So, today on Just Grow Something, we’re talking Brussels sprouts! The background of the plant, how to grow it, what pests and disease plague it, and how to harvest and store. It’s a full blown crop specific episode that will hopefully demystify growing these teeny cabbage look-a-likes in your own garden. Let’s dig in!
References and Resources:

The Great Marigold Debate - Ep. 147
Weather History & Data Archive | Weather Underground (
Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts
Explore Cornell - Home Gardening - Vegetable Growing Guides - Growing Guide

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Growing Brussels Sprouts - Ep. 209

Growing Brussels Sprouts - Ep. 209
Release Date
