Building Big Arms, Protein Powder 101, Sugar vs Protein, Fitness Mindset Tips, & More - Q&A | Ep. 92

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In this Q&A episode, Kade answers questions from his Instagram followers about various fitness topics. He discusses how to build big arms, the impact of different types of calories on weight, what makes a good protein powder, and mindset traits for someone new on a fitness journey. He emphasizes the importance of patience, consistency, and setting realistic goals. Kade also highlights the value of staying positive, being flexible, and practicing gratitude throughout the fitness journey.- Apply for 1-1 coaching:Apply Now- FREE Body Recomp Transformation Guide:Download Now- FREE 15 min Strategy Call with Kade:Book Here- Kade's Instagram:Message/Follow Kade Leave us a rating & review here :)Thanks for listening! *This is a body recomposition podcast for those in fitness who want to lose fat and gain muscle (recomp).

Building Big Arms, Protein Powder 101, Sugar vs Protein, Fitness Mindset Tips, & More - Q&A | Ep. 92

Building Big Arms, Protein Powder 101, Sugar vs Protein, Fitness Mindset Tips, & More - Q&A | Ep. 92
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