March 12, 2019 – SFLC Supports Assange, Rovics and Mike Elk On CWA NG Election and SEIU Google Subpoena

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WorkWeek looks at the support for journalist Julian Assange by delegates and trade unionists at the San Francisco Labor Council on February 11, 2019. We also hear a song about Venezuela and the US from David Rovics.
Last, WorkWeek interviews labor journalist Mike Elk who writes on Payday He discusses the issue of the election in the CWA Newspaper Guild and the need for the right of over 2,000 new members to vote. He also talks about the subpoena by the SEIU of Google to get information about whistleblowers who have been exposing sexual
misconduct by union officials.
Additional media:…owerAssange.pdf
Workweek-radio – My-movieww-2-11-19-sflc-labor-and-julian-assange-trade-unionists-speak-ou…n-right-to-work/…sguild-election/
For Information
Mike Elk
David Rovics
Production of WorkWeek Radio
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March 12, 2019 – SFLC Supports Assange, Rovics and Mike Elk On CWA NG Election and SEIU Google Subpoena

March 12, 2019 – SFLC Supports Assange, Rovics and Mike Elk On CWA NG Election and SEIU Google Subpoena
Release Date
