Leah Clyburn, Organizing to Act on Environmental Racism in STL

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The cover image on this report shows a painful face of St. Louis: the stark "Delmar Divide" with its north-south, black-white, disadvantaged and more privileged split up the middle of this city's economics, social and cultural resources. Not a worthy picture, but a growing body of action.                     Just released in October 2019, Environmental Racism in St. Louis concentrates results of other reports, commissioned by official sources, into one from the people profiled by the data. Each of 8 chapters details a serious issue with environmental roots, from persistent lead pollution to the bluntly defined Food Apartheid.  Leah Clyburn, organizer in the Sierra Club Missouri Beyond Coal campaign, led this effort for Sierra Club, collaborating with leaders of Action St. Louis, Arch City Defenders and Dutchtown South Community Corporation. The Interdisciplinary Law Clinic at Washington University prepared the report. Clyburn's take on these issues, in this Earthworms conversation and her work at large, is a rare merger of frank no-compromise and sincere encouragement to engage.  Music: Taproom, performed live at KDHX by Brian Curran THANKS to Andy Heaslet, Earthworms Engineer Related Earthworms Conversations: St. Louis Metro Market: Grocery Story in a Bus (June 2015)  Sweet Potato Project: Growing Social Justice, One Garden at at Time (Sept 2016) 

Leah Clyburn, Organizing to Act on Environmental Racism in STL

Leah Clyburn, Organizing to Act on Environmental Racism in STL
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