77: How to practice speaking Italian: 3 smart ways

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Learn 3 smart ways to practice speaking Italian.
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Today's Italian words
Per imparare a parlare l’italiano = to learn to speak Italian
bisogna usarlo! = you need to use it!
Per = in order to
Imparare = learn
A = to
Parlare = speak
L’italiano = Italian
Bisogna = you need to, lit. it’s necessary to
Usarlo = use it
Ecco tre suggerimenti su come fare = here are three suggestions on how to do it
Ecco = here are
Tre = three
suggerimenti = suggestions
Su = on/about
Come = how
Fare = to do it (lit. to do)
Per fare pratica = To practice
Per = in order to
Fare = to do
Pratica = practice
Si può parlare da soli = You can speak to yourself.
Si può = you can (lit. “one” can)
Da soli = alone
Si possono cercare persone con cui parlare di persona = you can look for people to speak to in person
Oppure online = or online.
Si possono = one can, for when the thing is plural
Cercare = look for
Persone = people
Con = with
Cui = whom
Di persona = in person
Oppure = or
Online = which is of course, online.
Si può mangiare la pizza = you can eat pizza
Si possono mangiare gli spaghetti = you can eat spaghetti (gli spaghetti is plural).
Si può viaggiare = you can travel
Non si può = you can’t (lit. one can’t)
Possiamo parlare in italiano? = Can we speak in Italian?
Vorrei imparare! = I’d like to learn!
Possiamo = can we
In = in
Italiano = italian
Vorrei = I’d like
Imparare = to learn

77: How to practice speaking Italian: 3 smart ways

77: How to practice speaking Italian: 3 smart ways
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