59: Ask to her! Listen me! (When Italian and English are different)

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Listen me! Sounds funny in English, doesn't it? But that’s how they say it in Italian. Learn more Italian expressions like this and how to use them.
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Today’s Italian words
Tua mamma impara l’italiano, vero? = Your mum is learning Italian, right?
Tua mamma = your mum
Impara = learns
L’italiano = the italian
Vero = true
Le dai una mano? = Do you give her a hand?
Le = to her
Dai = You give
Una mano = a hand.
Si, a volte = Yes sometimes.
Che cosa fai? = What do you do?
Le chiedo: “che cosa fai oggi” = I ask her “what are you doing today”
E scambiamo un paio di parole in italiano = And we exchange a few words in Italian.
Le = to her
Chiedo = I ask
Che cosa = what
Fai = you do
Oggi = today
E = and
Scambiamo = we exchange
Un paio = a pair
Di = of
Parole = words
In italiano = in Italian.
Le chiedo = I ask her (literally = to her, I ask)
Gli chiedo = I ask him (literally = to him, I ask)
Poi, le insegno un po’ di grammatica = Then, I teach her a little grammar.
Le = to her
Insegno = I teach
Un po’ = a bit
Di = of
Grammatica = grammar
Le insegno = I teach her (literally = to her, I teach)
Gli insegno = I teach him (literally = to him, I teach)
Come studia l’italiano? How does she study Italian?
Di solito ascolta un CD e 5 minute Italian ovviamente! = Usually she listens to a CD and 5 minute Italian obviously!
Di solito = usually
Ascolta = she listens
Un CD = a CD

59: Ask to her! Listen me! (When Italian and English are different)

59: Ask to her! Listen me! (When Italian and English are different)
Release Date
