108: Learn Italian Numbers 1- 100… And Avoid These Common Mistakes!

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Knowing your Italian numbers is an essential skill for beginners. Learn and remember them easily with this guide.
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Today's Italian words:
uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci = 1 - 10
undici, dodici, tredici, quattordici, quindici, sedici = 11 - 16
diciassette, diciotto, diciannove = 17 - 19
venti = 20
ventuno = 21
ventidue, ventitre, ventiquattro, venticinque, ventisei, ventisette = 22 - 27
ventotto = 28
ventinove = 29
trenta = 30
quaranta = 40
cinquanta = 50
sessanta = 60
settanta = 70
ottanta = 80
novanta = 90
cento = 100

108: Learn Italian Numbers 1- 100… And Avoid These Common Mistakes!

108: Learn Italian Numbers 1- 100… And Avoid These Common Mistakes!
Release Date
