85: Hidden "Toxic Inputs" That Are Killing Your Gut - with Troy Casey (Certified Health Nut)

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Did you know that every aspect of our language, biology, environemnt, mental and emotional health are all interconnected? And when one goes, they all go. Our bodies, and our world are disconnected and it's part of why we're all so sick. We have old mental and emotional ties, traumas and experiences that are all affecting our gut health. But how does it all fit together?   TOPICS DISCUSSED: mental and emotional inputs and outputs psychadelics for mental health and PTSD healthy and unhealthy relationships how our bodies hold stress and where we can store it modern industry vs. our environment and physical health the gut health connetion to it all   More from Troy Casey - The Certified Health Nut: Instagram: @certifiedhealthnut Facebook: @Mr.TroyCasey Twitter / X: @MrHealthNut TikTok: @CertifiedHealthNut YouTube: @CertifiedHealthNut  Telegram: CertifiedHealthNut Websites: Certifiedhealthnut.com   Are you ready to heal your gut? Join our Reversing Crohn's and Colitis Naturally Community!  

85: Hidden "Toxic Inputs" That Are Killing Your Gut - with Troy Casey (Certified Health Nut)

83: The Things You Can't See That Are Slowly Killing You - with Dr. Pedram Shojai
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