Is The Fitness Industry Toxic?

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Are we being misinformed by disorder? Is our self-doubt based on seeing the tip of the unachievable iceberg? Are we just dollar signs to fitness influencers? Is what we are seeing false identities, limelighted insecurity and integrity subject to the producers conditioning? 
I know, it sounds like a whirlwind to think about but all your questions will be answered in this one. After my 8 years experience in my own life experimentation, 2.5 years as a professional PT, and rubbing shoulders big influencers in Bali, I'll lift the lid and expose the industry for what it imposes on the masses. How it preys on an unconscious, victim mind. This episode is a real-and-raw awakening to skip the traps and spot the red flags, but most of all make your own journey to health and fitness without falling for the enticements, ill-intentions, and triggers that make you feel even worse about yourself. 
While we idolise the cover mags, Hollywood stars and even our favourite boy-bands - are we really just being misinformed by high-functioning anxiety, identities that need be nurtured, and a marketing machine that imposes upon us the idea we're always living in lack in the physical form?
I hope you love the perspective, talking poetry, and all the psycho-social concepts I merge together which will have the answers to how the fitness industry makes its impact on our everyday.
Thanks for listening, and if you get the time, an honest review of the podcast goes a LONG, LONG way. I love you, and you are more than enough just as you are, hunk(ess). As long as you're progressing, or growing you're golden.

If you were intrigued to dive deeper into the models I use to express Us vs the Fitness Machine, here they are!
Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions:
Recommended Reads for today: 12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson / The 5 Levels of Attachment Miguel Ruiz
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Is The Fitness Industry Toxic?

Is The Fitness Industry Toxic?
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