Rich Edwards of the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative at West Virginia University #102

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Trail EAffect Episode 102 with Rich Edwards of the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative at West Virginia University Series
This is Part 3 of a 4 Part Series featuring the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative
Intro to Rich Edwards
Rich Edwards Backstory
Why Rich chose the move to West Virginia University
The opportunity for trail building in terms of iconic topography in West Virginia
What Rich’s Roll is at the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative – Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Coordinator
The ways that the OEDC helps West Virginia with Trails and Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure
Direct Operational Support
Technical Support

Being Collaborative across all trail user groups and even within user groups
Trail Building Companies in West Virginia
The east coast and access for trails / South East surge in trail development
First Phase of the West Run Woods Trail System in Morgantown, WV
Developing Shared Use Trails in Morgantown, WV
The 100 Mile Vision
Identifying that the Bike Ped infrastructure could use improvement, and adding these improvements via natural surface trails

Current Shovel Ready Trail Projects in West Virginia
Funded Projects

Environmental / NEPA Process
Finding of No Significant Impact
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Impact Statement
Categorical Exclusion

Multiple Funding Streams applied to trail projects
Cacapon State Park, WV
Thunderstruck Trail

Mountain Biking in State Parks in West Virginia
Mylan Park Morgantown BMX Track, UCI Pumptrack and Bike Park Plans
More Shovel Ready Projects
Marlinton, WV Trail Projects
100 Miles / 10 million Dollars approved in less than one year

Elkins West Virginia and an ARC Power Planning Grant
Rich going deeper on Planning and Design, and the differences between the two
Planning ahead, and getting trail designs ready to shelve until funding becomes available for last minute funding opportunities
Having Project Designs / Plans almost shovel ready

Rich Life Wisdom and Advice
The Darkside of Mountain Biking in general
Assume that someone is always listening…

 People to Thank and Closing Comments

Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative:
Rich Edwards Bio:
Morgantown Area Mountain Bike Association:
Thunderstruck Trail Build Video Series
            Making of Thunderstruck:
            Partnering with Appalachian Conservation Corps:
West Run Woods Trail Ribbon Cutting Ceremony:
Brad D. Smith:
Ascend West Virginia:
This Podcast has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services
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Rich Edwards of the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative at West Virginia University #102

Rich Edwards of the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative at West Virginia University #102
Release Date
