Cortisone (Cortone)

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Visit: to request your free copy of "140 Must Know Meds" Generic Name Cortisone Trade Name Cortone Indication Management of adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison’s Disease). Replace cortisol in states of deficiency, suppress inflammation and normal immune response. Action The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys. The adrenal glands excrete steroid hormones, including cortisol that play a role in increasing blood sugars, immune suppression, and metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, as well as decreasing bone formation. Therapeutic Class Antiasthmatics, corticosteroids Pharmacologic Class Corticosteroids Nursing Considerations • Excreted by the liver – monitor liver profile • Avoid in active untreated infections • May cause CNS alterations • May cause peptic ulcers • May cause Cushingoid appearance (buffalo hump, moon face) • Weight gain • Osteoporosis • Decrease wound healing • May elevate blood sugars • May increase cholesterol and lipid values

Cortisone (Cortone)

Cortisone (Cortone)
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