#Londinium90AD: Gaius & Germanicus remind the 21st Century that the NSDAP was not voted into office: a large and growing majority of the German people did not ever support the Hitlerites at the polls-- before the Reichstag fire ended democracy in the Weim

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#Londinium90AD: Gaius & Germanicus remind the 21st Century that the NSDAP was not voted into office: a large and growing majority of the German people did not ever support the Hitlerites at the polls-- before the Reichstag fire ended democracy in the Weimar Republic. Michael Vlahos. Friends of History Debating Society. @Michalis_Vlahos

1945 Berlin

#Londinium90AD: Gaius & Germanicus remind the 21st Century that the NSDAP was not voted into office: a large and growing majority of the German people did not ever support the Hitlerites at the polls-- before the Reichstag fire ended democracy in the Weim

PREVIEW: SAUDI ARABIA: Conversation with colleague Malcolm Hoenlein re the decision by the Crown Prince MBS of Saudi Arabia to postpone his embassy to Japan because of the King's health crisis. More like this later.
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