PREVIEW: #UK ELECTION: Conversation with colleague Simon Constable from the South of France re the pending vote for Parliament - polls indicating a Labour victory but also an unknown turnout of undecided Tories. More tonight.

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PREVIEW: #UK ELECTION: Conversation with colleague Simon Constable from the South of France re the pending vote for Parliament - polls indicating a Labour victory but also an unknown turnout of undecided Tories. More tonight.

1900 Relief of Ladysmith

PREVIEW: #UK ELECTION: Conversation with colleague Simon Constable from the South of France re the pending vote for Parliament - polls indicating a Labour victory but also an unknown turnout of undecided Tories. More tonight.

PREVIEW: #UK ELECTION: Conversation with colleague Simon Constable from the South of France re the pending vote for Parliament - polls indicating a Labour victory but also an unknown turnout of undecided Tories. More tonight.
Release Date
