Podcast 124 — Moms with Moxie: “Does Homeopathy Really Work?”

Release Date:

01:30   Introduction
            Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®: A Guided Study Group Curriculum

02:43   From Conventional Medicine to Homeopathy
            Joette's blog

05:03   We Don’t Need Expensive Medical Terms; We Use Symptoms

06:29   Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®

07:25   Switching from HRT to Homeopathy 
            Estrogen Dominance and Other Red Herrings
            Strong Enough for a Woman
            Saving Menopausal Women

08:25   Addressing Arrhythmia

09:30   Success with Severe Respiratory Illness in 2021

11:08   A Baby’s Amazing Turnaround

12:56   Attack of The Black Widow Spider
            The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®
            The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy

16:55   “Does Homeopathy Really Work?”

19:18   Closing Advice
                The Learning Center
            APH Alumni: Find a Homeopath
Joette’s Learning Center

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This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast, episode number 124.


Hi! This is Joette Calabrese. My Practical Homeopathy® is transforming lives all over the globe by offering health freedom!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I say a podcast is priceless.

I want you to hear — in their own words — how regular people just like you have reshaped their lives using the practical protocols I teach in my Practical Homeopathy®.

So, with the help of my reporter Kate, I bring you this podcast series featuring interviews with moms, dads, teens, health care practitioners and Academy of Practical Homeopathy® students from all walks of life.

With education, you can follow in these students’ footsteps. You can eliminate your fear of illness and injury by learning how to care for yourself and your family. Like them, YOU can be in control — without acquiescing to authority — to live healthier, more autonomous lives. Indeed, you, too, can heal yourself and your family through my brand of homeopathy — Practical Homeopathy®.
Kate: (01:30)

Welcome back to the podcast. I'm Kate. Today's guest is someone I've known for years, and I'll let her tell you more about that. But let's just say that what she's accomplished in the past four years has been amazing. I can't wait for you to hear her story. She will share some dramatic stories using homeopathy and some tips on studying homeopathy. So, with that, everyone meet Susan.


Hi Kate. It's great to get to chat with you today, and I was so happy to get to meet you in November in Florida.


Yes, it was great!


And it's amazing how a few years have changed so much for us.

As you said, my name is Susan. And my husband and I have been married for 39 years, and we have three sons and four grandsons. We love to be outside, and we love to go camping and cook our food in the Dutch oven and just take our books and relax.

And my passion had been homeschooling my children. And when they grew up and left home, it was a very good opportunity for me to plunge into studying homeopathy. That has become my passion.


Tell me, Susan, how did you first hear about homeopathy? Because I know we connected in a Gateway to Homeopathy study group years ago, and that's how we first met. But how did that come about?
Susan: (02:43)

Well, like many other people, I had a lot of health problems, and I had a team of doctors working on my conditions, and I was getting some help.

They did the best they could. They offered me a handful of prescriptions, and I said, “No, thank you.”

And my doctor said, “I know. These come with many potential harmful effects.”

So, I had ongoing fatigue and many food intolerances. Anything I ate would upset my stomach. I began listening to medical seminars and searching for answers: why I would have such painful fatigue,

Podcast 124 — Moms with Moxie: “Does Homeopathy Really Work?”

Podcast 124 — Moms with Moxie: “Does Homeopathy Really Work?”
Release Date
