Podcast 121 — Connecting the Dots with Helpful Hints [Practical Homeopathy®]

Release Date:

01:30   Good Health Is a Daily Practice

02:51   Walking

04:16   Helpful Hints on Getting Sun Without Toxic Sunscreen Chemicals

06:23   Early to Bed, Early to Rise

07:00   The Kitchen Is the Best Room in the House

08:20   Seed Oils

09:16   Water

11:10   Helpful Hints on Caffeine

13:12   Homeopathic Coffea

14:49   Connecting the Dots

21:50   Helpful Hints for Writing Out a Timeline

24:27   Connecting the Dots on "Never Well Since"

26:06   Stay Curious

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This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast, episode number 121, with Joette Calabrese.


This is Joette Calabrese, and I welcome you to our health care movement — yours, mine and the countless women and men across the globe who have re-taken control of their families’ health with Practical Homeopathy®.

So, for the next few minutes, let’s link our arms together and embrace health care freedom.

Join me as I demystify homeopathy — what was once considered an “esoteric” paradigm — into an understandable, reproducible, safe and effective health care solution available to everyone. This is the medicine you’ve been searching for – my unique brand of homeopathy — PRACTICAL Homeopathy®.

Whether you have tried homeopathy in the past and were frustrated, or you are examining the possibilities of caring for your family yourself for the first time — you’re in the right place.

In this podcast, I will offer you my decades of clinical experience as a practicing homeopath and years of teaching tens of thousands of students, so that you can become the hero of your family and community.

This is true health freedom, my friends. This is my PRACTICAL Homeopathy®.
Kate: (01:30)

Hi everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. We love our community and are so thankful you've joined us today.

I'm here with Joette, and she's going to share some simple but important health tips that you are going to use to learn how to become a detective and connect the dots and discover clues that will help guide you to the right homeopathic medicines.

But first things first. Sometimes, we forget to begin with the simple things, the things that are right in front of us. Maybe it's not even homeopathy!

You all know we get excited when we learn homeopathy, and we can have a tendency to just jump right to homeopathy, But we really should consider some of the basics.

We were talking about this the other day, Joette, and you had some really good ideas toward that end.


Hi, Kate.

Well, these are not unusual ideas. They're more gentle reminders. Good health is a daily practice. And instead of thinking of it as, “I'm doing this for my health,” just make it part of your … if not daily, at least a number of times per week for some of these things.

So, some of them are so simple that it's going to seem kind of strange that we even mention it.
Joette: (2:51)

And one of them is just walking — making sure you're getting some exercise in. And if you can walk barefoot. Walk barefoot in your garden, walk barefoot in the park if you can take the shoes off.

A lot of shoes, I hate to say it, are made in China. And we don't know what the ingredients are in the inside of those shoes. And do we want to absorb something in the bottom of our feet? Especially where we are supposed to be releasing those elements or toxins, for example, out of the bottom of our feet. Do we want that to be touching some kind of a plastic or a formaldehyde or something like that?

So, walking barefoot … walking barefoot, even around the house.


Podcast 121 — Connecting the Dots with Helpful Hints [Practical Homeopathy®]

Podcast 121 — Connecting the Dots with Helpful Hints [Practical Homeopathy®]
Release Date
