Deltalina Interview

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Delta Airlines' latest safety video has been getting a lot of hits on Youtube, and "Deltalina" is the reason.  I talk with Chris Babb, the creator of the video, and with Katherine "Kat" Lee, the flight attendant who is featured in the video.  Kat has gotten the nickname "Deltalina" because she looks like Angelina Jolie.I have parts of the interview that I didn't use in this short piece -- send me an email at joepodcaster -at-  if you want to hear more.---> OK, OK, here it is --  more from Kat on Youtube.  (This is different from what's in the podcast.) Tags:
Deltalina, Delta, Safety Video, Katherine Lee
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Deltalina, Delta, Safety Video, Katherine Lee
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Deltalina Interview

Deltalina Interview
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