#418 How To Drop Body Fat Without Losing Muscle, Why I Bench on a BOSU Ball & More!

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BIG SHOW TODAY! Joe tries his best to keep this show as "concise" as possible, but there's just too much going on this week with announcements, sales, new sponsors, and of course - training & nutrition talk!! (Most Industrial Strength Show listeners already know that Joe D. is RARELY capable of keeping things "short & sweet"! LOL). Today's 3 main topics of discussion include: 1) How to preserve as much muscle as possible while dropping body fat 2) Joe shares 3 delicious high-protein easy-to-prepare snacks 3) Why Joe stopped "BOSU Bashing" & started BOSU Benching! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto www.IndustrialStrengthShow.com IMPORTANT LINKS DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements [*Use code: MuscleUpMay] CocoaVia Cardio Health PB Fit BOSU® Elite Business of Strength 2-Day Immersion Seminar Manukora Honey

#418 How To Drop Body Fat Without Losing Muscle, Why I Bench on a BOSU Ball & More!

#418 How To Drop Body Fat Without Losing Muscle, Why I Bench on a BOSU Ball & More!
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