LinkedIn for Lawyers: Proven Strategies to Attract Clients with Jason Cheung

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Are you a lawyer who doesn't have LinkedIn? In this podcast episode, Jim and Tyson talk with Jason Cheung, a LinkedIn expert who assists lawyers in improving their online presence. They discuss the significance of LinkedIn for legal professionals.LinkedIn is one of the only platforms that provide exposure to corporate professionals. It provides people with the chance to know who is in their industry and can make that connection for professional development and career growth. Jason provides his approach to using LinkedIn. He uses a storytelling angle that can be beneficial for lawyers. He uses the example of describing a problem a client had and the processes he used to solve that problem. Potential clients want to see how you have helped others which will provide them with comfort that you will do the same. It will also provide partners or other firms with the chance to understand how you work.Jason shares how to convert LinkedIn posts to actual clients. He talks about the importance of including a call to action in posts. Most people do not want to just cold call a lawyer or email them, but if you add that little message at the end inviting people to reach out, it makes it easier on the client. Another way is to reply to comments from viewers and followers. Ask someone about the problem they're having, which might end up in your direct messages where there is a bit of a back and forth prior to having a client intake call.For lawyers who use LinkedIn, it is important to engage with people who like your posts. These individuals may not follow you, but there is a benefit in sending them a friend request to connect and adding a message of “Thanks for liking my post, I look forward to connecting”. This allows the individual to know that you are responsive and active and that they can have a chat down the line if they feel you can be of help.Listen in to learn more!Jim Hack: Use the 6 minute rule. This rule is when you find yourself done with a project and you have 6 minutes left, start on another project. If you have less than 6 minutes, use it to goof around on your phone.Jason’s Tip: Is to always make the assumption that people who don't know you would love to talk to you. 90% of the time people do want to engage. You have nothing to lose with this tactic and it is a great way to expand your network quickly.Tyson’s Tip: Call your parents more because they are getting older and time goes by quickly. The same goes with colleagues. Connect with your colleagues more and check in on them.5:32 Jason shares his approach to creating LinkedIn posts11:20 Tips on how to convert LinkedIn posts into actual clients21:35 Jason provides information about his LinkedIn marketing practiceConnect with Jason:WebsiteLink Me AI Jason’s Email: 🎥 Watch the full video on YouTube here.

LinkedIn for Lawyers: Proven Strategies to Attract Clients with Jason Cheung

LinkedIn for Lawyers: Proven Strategies to Attract Clients with Jason Cheung
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