Creating Engaging and Valuable Law Firm Videos

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Are you an attorney who wants to get into the social media space? In this podcast episode, Jim and Tyson discuss the importance of creating engaging and entertaining content for law firm videos and social media. Creating social media content is a difficult skill to master. It takes time and effort to not only understand how certain apps work but also what type of content is going to reel people in. Social media can be used to attract clients, especially those of a younger demographic. Tyson and Jim explore the idea of creating entertaining videos and if it will lead to more viewers and clients. One thing to consider is creating TikTok content that is a mix of fun and legal advice. The fun aspect allows viewers to get to know you as a person and then the legal advice will showcase the expertise.Tyson and Jim talk about how viewers do not like the “ask” in social media content. The point of social media is to attract people to view your content and subscribe. The last thing people want is to have to go the extra mile for a creator all the time if they are asking their audience to do something. Sprinkling in the “selling” is a good way to get your message across. Giving away your best tips and advice will get people to listen. It is a risk because nobody wants to give everything away for nothing in return, but Tyson and Jim promise it is the best way to get the views without throwing things in people’s faces.When creating content on apps like Tiktok, it is important to include all the necessary information without taking too much time. Make sure to address the question, provide a solution and have a call to action. It is really important to ensure videos are kept short. No one is going to listen to a video if it is too long because you lose the viewer if you do not get the point.To be successful on social media, it is important to understand the rhythm of the platform. What are people talking about? What are the trends to know and follow? Get to know your audience and understand what they want to see and what questions they need answered. As attorneys, find out what legal advice people want to know. Is it about immigration, privacy, criminal or copyright? From here, you can create content in a way that will help you attain more clients.Take a listen!2:09 The significance of creating engaging and interesting videos5:42 Balance entertaining content with informative legal content10:04 Giving away valuable content to attract clients18:35 The need for law firm videos and social media content to be short19:56 Advice on how to make TikTok videos interesting by following trendsJim’s Hack: Read the book $100M Leads: How to Get Strangers to Want to Buy Your Stuff Alex Hormozi Tyson’s Tip: Get your personal life organized through a Kanban board. Tyson suggests having columns for buckets such as “new task”, “doing” and “done” and using sticky notes to fill the board.🎥 Watch the full video on YouTube here.

Creating Engaging and Valuable Law Firm Videos

Creating Engaging and Valuable Law Firm Videos
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