Patrice Washington Shares Why it’s Important for Her to Spread Her Message of Redefining Wealth. | 025

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Patrice Washington is a very successful podcaster with her podcast called Redefining Wealth. She talks about how it’s important to chase purpose, not money. She has over 900 iTunes reviews. Patrice made it clear that podcasting is her main platform but she also has a solid following on other platforms. She has about 70,000 Instagram followers, 30,000 YouTube subscribers, 20,000 Facebook followers, and 15,000 Twitter followers. She first started blogging in 2009. She did it for a few months and realized that no one was really paying attention. She stopped for a few weeks but there was a man, who she calls her angel that she will never forget,  who reached out to her via email and told her what impact she has made in his life and essentially encouraged her to continue blogging.  Patrice has been known as America’s Money Maven, a personal finance expert, for over a decade. She is most recognized as the personal finance voice of the top-rated and nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Radio Show. Her real why at this stage in life was to share with people that wealth was so much more than money and material possessions. Everything that she does now ties into helping people see the bigger picture of how their behavior, relationships, and rituals impact their finances. She started her podcast in September 2017. She realized that this on-demand type of opportunity might be the way to become a thought leader in her space, share what she cannot get out on a 45-minute radio segment, and share her true self without being policed by radio producers. It’s important for Patrice to share her story because she doesn’t want people to suffer the way she did. “I really feel like if you know something, it’s your responsibility to share it, to teach it, and to not give bits and pieces but to just go all out.” In this episode, Patrice really deep dives into her story of how and why she started her influence. Patrice's story is inspirational and this episode is definitely worth a listen! Subscribe to our email newsletter to be notified of our upcoming live-streamed interviews! Join our Discord community and become part of the conversation!

Patrice Washington Shares Why it’s Important for Her to Spread Her Message of Redefining Wealth. | 025

Patrice Washington Shares Why it’s Important for Her to Spread Her Message of Redefining Wealth. | 025
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