Behind On Everything? Simple Adjustments that Make It Easier to get Caught Up

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Hey Friend!
When my life gets chaotic, it is so easy to fall behind on things, and in this episode, I share how I started making those little adjustments to save time and my sanity!
I have spent seasons of my life as a working mom, as a traveling out of town working mom, as a stay at home mom, as a caregiver, as a work from home mom, as a homeschooling work from home mom, as a homeschooling working with clients mom, taking in my nieces and nephews for months at a time, having family members move in with us, being pregnant and loosing my mother in law, dealing with my family members with depression, anxiety, suicidal, panic attacks, adhd, children having surgery, dementia, Alzheimer, lengthy hospitalizations out of town, little ones with an on and off fever for. months making it impossible to put them down more than 10 minutes at a time and so many more things that have been far more of a priority than taking care of the house. 
Taking these steps to make it easier to maintain and use my home, are what has made it possible for me to understand how to help so many of you! I absolutely love helping you all and doing these SOS  Calls to get you unstuck and moving towards those goals you set for yourself to get your home decluttered, organized, and easy to maintain!!
I'm here for you, my sweet friend!

Behind On Everything? Simple Adjustments that Make It Easier to get Caught Up

Behind On Everything? Simple Adjustments that Make It Easier to get Caught Up
Release Date
