296: Dairy vs Non-Dairy Milk: Which Is Better For You, Your Skin + The Planet? (PART 3)

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If you have any type of chronic skin issue, I’ll bet you’ve probably gone down an internet rabbit hole to figure out if dairy is bad for chronic skin issues. Well, in Part 3 of this three-part series, I’ve got some really eye-opening research to share with you that even surprised me! I’ve spent the past two parts diving into why I think we need to rethink the ideas we believe about dairy and how to assess whether dairy or plant-based milk is better for you. If you missed them, I highly recommend you go through Parts 1 and 2 first as each episode builds upon the next in this series. CLICK HERE FOR PART 1 CLICK HERE FOR PART 2 But even with all of that, there are some extremely practical questions that still need to be answered especially when it comes to food allergies as well as the accessibility and cost of dairy and plant-based options. I hope that you’ve found this series enlightening + eye-opening whether you agree with my take or not. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you, so let’s dive in! In this episode: Cost + accessibility of dairy vs plant-based milk products Recipes for making plant-based milk at home Thoughts on raw milk Allergies to dairy AND plant-based milk options Is dairy REALLY bad for skin problems? (RESEARCH) Final thoughts on what’s best Quotes: Consider what your needs, allergies, health concerns, access, financial flexibility, and values are about how both people + animals are treated – and make a decision that is best for you. Lactose intolerance can make dairy challenging for some, but it’s not as serious of a concern as a dairy allergy (which for some can be life-threatening).

296: Dairy vs Non-Dairy Milk: Which Is Better For You, Your Skin + The Planet? (PART 3)

296: Dairy vs Non-Dairy Milk: Which Is Better For You, Your Skin + The Planet? (PART 3)
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