Changes I Made After My Breast Cancer Diagnosis

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A diagnosis requires change! Treatment gets rid of the cancer, but it doesn't change the terrain the cancer was thriving in.  The factors that make up our environment like hormones, nutrition, stress, inflammation are all asking to be addressed.  Changes I made: 1. I started looking are what I was putting IN my body - What I was consuming. 2. Minimizing stress in my life as much as possible (meditation & breathwork helps so much with this!) 3. Changed my drinking water & stopped drinking from plastic water bottles. I first purchased a Berkey water filter, buut now I have reverse osmosis with the minerals put back in. 4. Started looking at what I was putting ON and AROUND my body - Started swapping out everyday products I was using at home.  Skin care and home care. Also purchased a ton of plants and an air purifier. It’s also recommended to just open your windows for about 20 mins a day Here's the company where I get my skin care, home products and hydrate & detox. 5. Became more spiritual - This was hugely powerful having a true understanding, eliminates fear! 6. I changed the way I worked out! Instead of killing myself with my workouts and having my body in a constant state of fight or flight…I started being kinder. Walking daily! More restorative workouts. And of course lifting 3 to 4 days a week (our bodies need muscle. 7. I started drinking green tea like it was my job. Studies suggest that polyphenol in green tea inhibit growth of breast cancer cells. Book: Tea Hates Cancer FREE Download on Removing Toxins From Your Environment: HERE FREE Download of cancer fighting vegan recipes: HERE Join the RESET & RISE Cancer Community   HERE   The BLUEPRINT from Results to Rising details HERE Connect with me on Instagram: EMAIL ME: FAVORITE TEA: Pique Tea:    

Changes I Made After My Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Changes I Made After My Breast Cancer Diagnosis
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