Star Trek Special: Uncovering Dystopia in the Trek Universe | DYSTOPIA Pt 23

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This week, we’re journeying through the Star Trek universe once again, but this time with a focus on how the show explores dystopias. We’ll be discussing episodes like The Return of the Archons, A Taste of Armageddon, and Mirror, Mirror from the original series, along with Yesterday’s Enterprise from The Next Generation and Inquisition from Deep Space Nine. These episodes showcase the darker side of the Star Trek universe, where utopian ideals are challenged and dystopian realities emerge. Join us as we dive into these classic episodes and explore the grim possibilities that Star Trek imagines. Visit our website Email Us! Follow us on TWITTER Add us on INSTAGRAM Like us on FACEBOOK Follow us on LETTERBOXD Support the podcast on PATREON

Star Trek Special: Uncovering Dystopia in the Trek Universe | DYSTOPIA Pt 23

Star Trek Special: Uncovering Dystopia in the Trek Universe | DYSTOPIA Pt 23
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