Thoth’s Egyptian Prophecy HAPPENING?! (The Hermetica)

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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP430
The prophecies of Hermes, as described in The Hermetica, reflect a profound concern about the future degradation of spiritual and philosophical pursuits. These prophecies seem to resonate with many contemporary observations about the state of society and spirituality. Here are several ways these prophecies might be manifesting in modern times:

1. Decline in Pure Philosophy:a
   Hermes foresaw a time when pure philosophy would be overshadowed by confusion and corruption. Today, philosophical pursuits are often entangled with materialistic and secular perspectives. The original purpose of philosophy—to attain a deeper understanding of the divine and the universe—has been diluted by complex and often conflicting theories, making it hard for many to grasp true spiritual knowledge.

2. Materialism and Skepticism:
   Hermes predicted that clever intellectuals would mislead people, turning them away from spiritual devotion. In the modern era, materialism and scientific skepticism dominate the discourse, often dismissing spiritual experiences and the divine as unscientific or irrelevant. This has led to a decline in genuine spiritual practice and reverence for the mysteries of existence.

3. Disconnection from Sacredness:
   The prophecy spoke of Egypt, symbolizing the seat of ancient wisdom and spirituality, being forsaken and overrun by those who neglect sacred ways. This can be seen today in the widespread disconnection from traditional spiritual practices and the sacredness of nature. Many ancient spiritual sites are neglected, and the wisdom inscribed on old monuments is often ignored or misunderstood.

In summary, the prophecies of Hermes, as outlined in The Hermetica, seem to align with many modern trends where materialism, skepticism, and the loss of spiritual depth are prevalent. The challenge remains to reconnect with the pure philosophy and spiritual devotion that Hermes advocated, fostering a renewed appreciation for the divine order and the mysteries of existence.

This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment… 
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Thoth’s Egyptian Prophecy HAPPENING?! (The Hermetica)

Thoth’s Egyptian Prophecy HAPPENING?! (The Hermetica)
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