Rise of Christian Magick! (The Fall of Dogma) Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP460

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Rise of Christian Magick! (The Fall of Dogma)
Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP460

In this video, I delve into my personal journey with magick, exploring how it has become a central part of my life and spiritual practice. Rooted in a Quasi-Christian mystic perspective, I reveal how my understanding of magick aligns with the teachings of Jesus as found in the Gospels and Gnostic scriptures. Contrary to the Old Testament God, I believe Jesus introduced us to a new spiritual Father/Mother—one who is spirit and truth. This view shapes my practice of magick, which is akin to the Force in Star Wars, focusing on harnessing the divine life force within and around us.

I share how my practice of magick involves rituals, working with natural elements, and engaging in energy work and meditation. Each aspect of my practice is designed to connect with the divine energy that permeates all things and to manifest intentions in alignment with higher spiritual principles. From setting daily intentions to working with symbols and nature altars, I illustrate how these practices help me co-create my reality and stay aligned with divine truth.

Reflecting on my past fears of magick, I explain how embracing this path has led me to a deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings. Initially, I approached magick with trepidation, but through practice, I’ve come to see it as a natural and transformative extension of spiritual truth. This journey has shown me that magick, when practiced with intention and integrity, is not something to be feared but a powerful tool for spiritual growth and positive change.


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*Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024.

#faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism #hermeticism #occultism #esotericism #mediumship #manifesting


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Rise of Christian Magick! (The Fall of Dogma) Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP460

Rise of Christian Magick! (The Fall of Dogma) Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP460
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