It’s ALL A TRAP: This Is Your Only Chance Out!

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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP396

It's ALL a trap! This is the profound realization I've come to lately in my search for authentic spirituality. I have read, studied, and even practiced almost every form of mysticism, religiosity, and churchianity I could find, all to no avail. If we are to judge a tree by its fruit, then my branches were bare.

The realization that we may have it all backwards is not an easy one to accept, but it is necessary to ask better questions about the nature of reality and who we truly are.

When I say "it's all a trap," I don't just mean what we typically consider "the world." I'm referring to every system of liberation that we perceive as spiritual, which still directs us away from our true desires, points us toward a deity or some form of godliness outside of ourselves, and ultimately warns us not to love ourselves too much.

In my brand new series "Divorcing God," we will explore the authentic message of Jesus and how it may inherently challenge everything we initially thought. If you're a seeker of authenticity, you're in the right place.

"The supreme divinity loved the cosmos, thus bestowing its own unique kinship, so that whoever believes in themselves should not perish but have eternal life."

This is my interpretation of John 3:16, derived directly from the Greek source text. What fascinates me is the lack of effort people put into going to the source and discovering the authentic meaning of these ancient scriptures.

We are so committed to tying Jesus to all other gods, including what we commonly refer to as "the biblical God" or even simply God, most high, all of which are merely ranks within the order of Elohim. So why don't we stop to think? Perhaps he introduced a completely new way of living within oneself.

Note: Always do your own research in regard to any theory. These notes represent my research alone, and not necessarily mainstream theories.


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#faith #spirituality #paranormal #supernatural #mythology #gnosticism

*Content is for entertainment purposes only and not medical, financial, scientific or legal advice. Always do your own research in regard to any theory. Please show respect to all races, religions, orientations, identities and cultures. Opinions are that of the creator(s) alone. Links offered may pay the creator(s) a commission. Materials referenced/quoted are used under the protection of ‘fair use laws’ or ‘public domain’ use. Jacob Kuker (Cub) 2024


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It’s ALL A TRAP: This Is Your Only Chance Out!

It’s ALL A TRAP: This Is Your Only Chance Out!
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