Demons of Yoga? What ‘They’ DON’T Tell You About Jesus!

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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP416

You may have heard a lot of good arguments that "yoga is demonic," however most of these arguments come from trying to mix old and new wine together so today I will discuss what I personally believe is a much more effective way to observe biblical teachings, with a heavy focus on the message of Jesus himself. I am personally deconstructed, and I will approach this with that lens in all love and light.

- Universal Spiritual Truths:
✅ Yoga is a universal practice that transcends specific religious beliefs, allowing individuals to deepen their spiritual connection regardless of their background.

* John 4:24 (NIV) - "God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that yoga's roots in Hinduism make it inherently tied to non-Christian spiritual beliefs, potentially opening practitioners to demonic influences.

- Inner Divine Connection:
✅ Yoga and meditation can enhance one's inner connection with the divine, fostering a sense of peace, love, and spiritual fulfillment.

* Luke 17:21 (NIV) - "The kingdom of God is within you."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that the focus on inner spiritual experiences in yoga can lead to spiritual deception or openness to demonic forces masquerading as divine.

- Spiritual Liberation:
✅ Bhakti Yoga teaches liberation through love and devotion to God, aligning with Jesus's emphasis on love and spiritual freedom.

* John 8:32 (NIV) - "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that yoga's emphasis on spiritual liberation can lead individuals away from traditional Christian teachings, potentially exposing them to demonic influences.

- Non-dualistic Perspective:
✅ Yoga's non-dualistic view sees all of creation as interconnected and infused with divine presence, aligning with Jesus's teachings on unity with God and all life.

* John 10:30 (NIV) - "I and the Father are one."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Some fundamentalists claim that the non-dualistic perspective in yoga blurs the distinction between good and evil, making individuals more susceptible to demonic influences disguised as spiritual enlightenment.

- Inner Transformation:
✅ Both Bhakti Yoga and Jesus's teachings emphasize love's transformative power, aiding individuals in personal growth, healing, and alignment with divine purpose.

* Matthew 5:48 (NIV) - "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

❌ Fundamentalist claim: Opposing views within some fundamentalist circles suggest that the focus on inner transformation in yoga can lead to self-centered spiritual practices, potentially inviting demonic influences seeking to manipulate and deceive individuals.

These fundamentalist claims reflect concerns raised by some fundamentalist perspectives that view yoga as potentially demonic due to its perceived connections to non-Christian spiritual traditions and beliefs.

This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment…


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Demons of Yoga? What ‘They’ DON’T Tell You About Jesus!

Demons of Yoga? What ‘They’ DON’T Tell You About Jesus!
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