Book of Revelation’s New Earth Appearing in 2024?!

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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP426

To lay the foundations for a New Earth, we can draw inspiration from the characteristics and frequencies associated with these twelve stones.

Jasper (Stability and Protection)
Foundation: Establish a strong and stable foundation for communities.
Characteristics: Cultivate reliability, dependability, and resilience. Protect and support each other, creating a safe and secure environment.

Sapphire (Wisdom and Clarity)
Foundation: Foster wisdom and clarity within the community.
Characteristics: Encourage deep insights and clear understanding. Promote thoughtful decision-making and a pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Agate (Strength and Balance)
Foundation: Maintain strength and balance in the city's energy.
Characteristics: Develop inner strength and maintain balance in all aspects of life. Strive for harmony within oneself and with others.

Emerald (Love and Renewal)
Foundation: Radiate love and facilitate continual renewal.
Characteristics: Show compassion, love, and empathy. Embrace renewal and growth, fostering a culture of forgiveness and rejuvenation.

Onyx (Will and Power)
Foundation: Ensure protection and empower transformative willpower.
Characteristics: Be protective of the community's spiritual essence. Exhibit strong willpower and determination to drive positive change.

Ruby (Passion and Vitality)
Foundation: Infuse passion and vitality into community life.
Characteristics: Pursue passions with enthusiasm and energy. Encourage vibrant, spirited endeavors that enrich community life.

Chrysolite (Prosperity and Positivity)
Foundation: Promote prosperity and positivity.
Characteristics: Encourage abundance in all forms and foster a positive outlook. Support endeavors that lead to collective prosperity and well-being.

Beryl (Purification and Focus)
Foundation: Maintain purification and focus.
Characteristics: Prioritize spiritual and emotional purification. Stay focused on goals and maintain a clear, harmonious environment.

Topaz (Truth and Joy)
Foundation: Uphold truth and cultivate joy.
Characteristics: Promote honesty, truthfulness, and integrity. Foster joyous experiences and a spirit of celebration.

Turquoise (Communication and Healing)
Foundation: Enhance communication and support healing.
Characteristics: Facilitate open, effective communication. Promote healing practices and support those in need of emotional or spiritual healing.

Jacinth (Transformation and Enlightenment)
Foundation: Support transformation and enlightenment.
Characteristics: Encourage personal and collective transformation. Strive for enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Amethyst (Peace and Spiritual Awareness)
Foundation: Foster peace and spiritual awareness.
Characteristics: Cultivate a deep sense of peace and tranquility. Promote spiritual awareness and mindfulness practices.

By embodying these characteristics and integrating these foundational elements into daily life, individuals and communities can work towards creating a New Earth.
This video represents my personal opinion but what do you think? Leave me a comment… 
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Book of Revelation’s New Earth Appearing in 2024?!

Book of Revelation’s New Earth Appearing in 2024?!
Release Date
