Are WE the Fallen Angels? Enoch 1 Explained Esoterically! 

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Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast EP455

In today’s video, we're delving into the Book of Enoch, an ancient text that's rich with early Jewish mysticism and apocalyptic themes. Although it's not included in the canonical Bible, this influential work, attributed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, offers profound spiritual insights. Written between 300 BCE and 100 CE, it’s a treasure trove of divine visions and teachings spread across five major sections.

I’ll explore how this book presents detailed descriptions of the heavens, stars, and celestial beings, and how its moral and ethical teachings provide timeless guidance. I’ll also share my interpretation of the "Watchers" and "Nephilim," viewing them as symbolic representations of ourselves. This perspective adds depth to their role in the narrative and invites us to reflect on our own spiritual journeys.

Join me as we uncover the deeper meanings within the Book of Enoch and its relevance to our spiritual lives today. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insights into ancient texts and esoteric wisdom.


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Are WE the Fallen Angels? Enoch 1 Explained Esoterically! 

Are WE the Fallen Angels? Enoch 1 Explained Esoterically! 
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