Topic Talk Game Edition | Kiss, Marry, Kill

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In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack play a game of Kiss, Marry, Kill with three Disney princesses: Ariel, Snow White, and Cinderella.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the 80s English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are doing a topic talk game Edition Kiss, Marry, Kill.00:00:16JackAnd so social the rules of this game are that you have to, I'm going to give you 3 choices and you have to decide which person you would kiss, which person you would kill, and which person you would marry. And so.00:00:34JackI've got 3 Disney princesses, Cinderella.00:00:40JackSnow White.00:00:42JackAnd Ariel, Ariel is obviously the mermaid from what's the movie called.00:00:50XochitlThe Little Mermaid.00:00:52JackThe Little Mermaid. OK. Sorry. I had a a brain malfunction there for a moment. OK.00:01:00JackAll right.00:01:02JackSo.00:01:03JackKiss Mary, kill Cinderella, Snow White or Ariel.00:01:08XochitlUM, OK, this one's actually going to be really.00:01:10XochitlEasy.00:01:10XochitlFor me, Cinderella, I would kill automatically because she's the most boring of the three choices to me.00:01:11발표자OK.00:01:18JackOh.00:01:20XochitlIf they're talking about the original story.00:01:21XochitlI like I like.00:01:23XochitlPretty much every like reproduction or adaptation in other cultures, but the original like Disney one was boring to me, so I've killed her Snow White. I would kiss on.00:01:32JackOK.00:01:37XochitlI like.00:01:37JackWell, because you gotta wake her, you.00:01:39JackHave to wake her up, you know.00:01:40XochitlOh well, sure.00:01:41XochitlYou do have to wake up. I also.00:01:42XochitlLike your whole.00:01:44XochitlLike.00:01:45XochitlI don't know. I I I thought it was really fun to watch baked pies and stuff when I was a kid and I like the little like culture that she's in because she gets to, like, interact with the dwarves and stuff. So I think that would be fun. I really liked that movie as a child too. And and The Little Mermaid was one of my favorites.00:02:01발표자Yeah.00:02:06XochitlAs a child, and I would definitely marry Ariel, I think Ariel gets a bad rap for being like whiny, spoiled, blah, blah. I don't think any of that is true. I think she had a really bad relationship with her father.00:02:20XochitlAnd.00:02:21XochitlAnd it doesn't get better until the end of the movie, and I think that's where all her issues come from because her father sucked. I'm. I stand by that and I would marry her because she has the most fascinating. She's literally part of another world. And so it would be so cool to get to talk to her about those.00:02:31JackYeah.00:02:37발표자Yeah.00:02:41XochitlExperiences Thanksgiving or Christmas or whatever with their family would be so fun. And you know, ideally, you know, trading as a king and see maybe he can use his magical powers to make you guys like half.00:02:49JackYes.00:02:57XochitlMermaids have. Uh.00:03:01XochitlYeah, like in Luca, you have you seen that movie?00:03:04JackNo, no, I haven't seen Luca yet. I.00:03:07XochitlAnyway, you had to see that, but I think that that'd be really cool. And then it's just and she has the spirit of an adventurer, I think. And I think that that would be very compatible with me.00:03:09JackOK.00:03:20JackOK. Yeah. So I'm I'm close to your answers, but I'm off a little bit. I think I would.00:03:22발표자Yeah.00:03:30JackI would. I would. Uh kiss Cinderella.00:03:34JackI don't know. There's something about Cinderella. She's just very charming, you know? And I know that's a weird word to use because she marries Prince Charming. But.00:03:46XochitlCinderella.00:03:47JackYeah. I just, I really, I I really like Cinderella. I I think she, you know she's she has such a a a tough life.00:03:57JackBut she's she's got that kind of, like, plucky spirit. Like she she really. She never gives up. She, you know, I I just, I I don't know. I I I love Cinderella. I love the her relationship with the little mice that she's even.00:04:03발표자So.00:04:15XochitlThat is.00:04:18JackShe's even kind to the mice, you know? Uhm and UM. So I'm going to, I'm going to kiss Cinderella.00:04:26JackI'm gonna. I'm gonna.00:04:27JackKill Snow White because Snow White is I found her boring and she's sleeping for half the movie anyway so.00:04:36JackSo I don't know. Yeah, I just. I don't know. I never. I never was. Never like a big Snow White fan.00:04:38XochitlInteresting. Interesting.00:04:47XochitlI love and my sister would only gifted stuff and I always get gifted Cinderella stuff and made me annoyed because I wanted the Snow White stuff because that was one of my favorites.00:04:58JackI know mine. I'm I'm. I'm more basic. Like I'm. I'm kind of going like for the cause. Cinderella is obviously more famous than Snow White. I I would say probably like more in.00:05:09XochitlLike it's probably it's.00:05:10XochitlOne of the most plastic tails that's also adapted to a lot of different cultures, and I like those. Have you ever seen ever after?00:05:17JackYes, I like that movie with Drew Barrymore. Yeah.00:05:20XochitlThat would be very more. That is a really good representation of Cinderella, and I would have to change my answers if we were doing.00:05:26XochitlIt based on that.00:05:27XochitlBut anyway your last.00:05:27발표자Ohh frickin.00:05:29XochitlYour last one is who you would marry you.00:05:33JackI would marry Ariel because I always thought Ariel was the the most beautiful, the the best of the Disney princesses.00:05:45XochitlHey. So we have two aerial lovers in the house. This is America's. Most people really hate her.00:05:50JackI love them. I guess it's it's part of it is because I just. I love the movie and I love the music in the movie and I love the story.00:05:58XochitlDrive. They do a little.00:06:00JackAnd she's got, like, wanderlust, you know, and which is similar to, like, my. You know what? What I have like I I want an adventure. You know. I'm I'm always curious about what's you know behind that door like.00:06:14XochitlYou want to be where the people are.00:06:16JackYeah, yeah, I wanna. I wanna get away from the fish and I wanna hang out with the people, you know. But yeah. So I always. I always had like a a a crush on on Ariel. And I thought she was the the best Disney Princess.00:06:33JackAnd uh, she's also got uh, I'm using this word. Plucky again. I I don't know if there's a better word for this. Funky. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. She's got, like, a ***** to her. She's she's she's a, you know, she's a heroine. She's a, you know, she's a hero.00:06:39XochitlOh, it's.00:06:40XochitlFunky.00:06:47XochitlYeah.00:06:48XochitlSpicy. She's strong. I like her.00:06:51XochitlYeah.00:06:54XochitlEnthusiasm. And I like that she never fit in in the mermaid world or the people world. But she just blunders through with confident enthusiasm. She's doing her own thing. She doesn't care if everyone else thinks she's weird, you know?00:07:10JackYeah. Yeah. And that I live in a kind of middle space, A liminal space in between 2 cultures. To be honest, you know, in Korea, I'm still American. But in in America, I've lived half my life in Korea. So.00:07:24JackYou know, for me, I kind of live in, in that in between space and she is also trapped between two worlds. Maybe there's something about that that I find attractive in the story.00:07:34XochitlYeah, I could agree.00:07:36XochitlBecause I'm also from 2 cultures, I was born and raised in two cultures. So I I think it's interesting and I.00:07:42JackMaybe that's something. Maybe that's why we're attracted to that story and.00:07:46JackAlso, she doesn't.00:07:47JackNeed a man? Necessarily. The man needs her. **, *** she saves him. But in Cinderella and Snow White, it's like, ohh the man. You know, the wood. The woodsman has to save her or the. Sorry. The king. The Prince. Sorry, Prince has to has to, you know, come in.00:08:02JackSwoop in and save the.00:08:03JackDay and in in aerial story, she actually the the the whole premise of the story begins with her saving the the Prince. So I I I like that she's a strong. She's a strong woman and I've attracted to strong woman. My wife is a strong woman.00:08:14XochitlYeah.00:08:24JackSo.00:08:26JackI I don't know. I I I would definitely marry Ariel. I would kiss Cinderella and kill Snow White. Although I think that kill is pretty harsh, but it's the only choice we have. So yeah.00:08:38XochitlYeah, right, listeners, let us know what you would pick. I find it interesting that Jack and on the page because so many aerial haters. So I want to know, do you hate Ariel or do you side with us? Let us know in are we channel one step groups leave a comment down below at A-Z or shoot us an e-mail at AZ and we'll see you guys next time.00:09:03XochitlBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. You can check it out here: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

Topic Talk Game Edition | Kiss, Marry, Kill

Topic Talk Game Edition | Kiss, Marry, Kill
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