Topic Talk | Regrets

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In this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack share some of their regrets.Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A to Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we have a topic talk topic talk episode for you and the topic of today's talk is regrets and such. I'm just wondering, do you have is there anything that you like, any big regrets that you have?00:00:22JackYou know, as far as like maybe not pursuing something that you had a talent for or being afraid to do something and and you know just kind of thinking back and regretting it.00:00:34XochitlYeah, I personally think as far as pursuing.00:00:38XochitlLike career options and things I used to kind of regret not pursuing music when I was younger, but then I realized that I'm only 27 and essentially if you're a musician and you're actually talented you there's you don't have like, an expiration date for creating music. And I think opportunities.00:00:48JackYou're very, you know.00:00:59XochitlOn your way, when you're ready.00:01:01XochitlAnd you're when you're ready to take.00:01:03XochitlThose opportunities, that's when.00:01:07XochitlYou can make something of it.00:01:09XochitlSo I don't really have any regrets.00:01:13XochitlIn that facet.00:01:15발표자Uh, I have.00:01:17XochitlI have two.00:01:20XochitlRegrets that I would say.00:01:23Xochitl11 I'm not this one sounds very depressing.00:01:27XochitlBut it's really it's.00:01:28XochitlReally not. I I'm not hurt by it.00:01:31XochitlOr anything. I just. I wish I had gotten to see my grandfather one last time.00:01:34XochitlBefore he passed.00:01:37XochitlUM, but he was so kind of far gone because he had pretty severe dementia at that point, and I think I just learned from the experience, you know, make the most of the people you care about while they're in your life because you just never know.00:01:54XochitlWhen someone can pass away or you never know when they'll still be alive, but they'll be so affected by dementia or health condition or something that you won't be able to relate to them the same way that you used to.00:02:07XochitlAnd in your own.00:02:07발표자Right.00:02:07XochitlLife also like.00:02:08XochitlDon't wait to do anything because you just health is never guaranteed.00:02:14JackRight, absolutely.00:02:15XochitlUM, so I learned a lot from it and I'm not, you know, deeply hurt by it anymore. But I just wish that I could have seen him one.00:02:23XochitlLast time before he passed.00:02:25XochitlUM and the other regret that I have this one, like probably a little personal for the podcast, but I don't mind sharing it because I think in my inspire other people to get the help they need.00:02:36XochitlI I just started taking antidepressants like a month ago, and I so wish I had taken antidepressants years ago. I think this is one of the things where it's like when you're not ready, it won't really matter anyway, so it's OK. It's OK that I waited so long to take them.00:02:56JackBut I think.00:02:57XochitlFor other people who are on the fence and I have really bad health anxiety and stuff, and I'm scared of the side effects, I think for anyone else who's on the fence and really terrified of side effects of getting.00:03:07XochitlHelp for their mental health, I would say.00:03:11XochitlJust do it because.00:03:13XochitlI have friends who got help when they were much younger. Well, we're still all young, but just years ago and they're in a better place now and I'm kind of just now getting.00:03:24XochitlTo the place.00:03:24XochitlWhere they're at because I.00:03:26XochitlJust now started getting help, so it's kind of that's one thing that I would say.00:03:32XochitlI don't particularly regret it because I don't think.00:03:35XochitlI was ready.00:03:35XochitlAt the time, but I wish maybe I had.00:03:38XochitlJust tried it sooner.00:03:39JackYeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I I, I'll share my story. I've been on antidepressants for.00:03:49Jack10 years since I was 291516 years. So for anxiety and panic attacks. So and I. You know, I don't regret that because I got help right away. You know I didn't wait. I was like alright, I need to.00:04:08JackDeal with this.00:04:09JackLike I'm I'm not gonna be ashamed of it. Even though in Korea, you know, it's something.00:04:18JackThat you're supposed.00:04:19JackAnd people used to be more ashamed of. Now it's it's becoming much more open. Yeah, people are. It's OK.00:04:22발표자Please signify.00:04:25JackTo talk about it now in Korea, but.00:04:27JackTen years ago, 15 years ago.00:04:29JackYou kept it to yourself. You know, you definitely didn't share it on a podcast, you know? But but I think it's it's never. It's never a bad thing to ask for help to get some help. You know, it's a tough it's tough out there.00:04:48JackSo, so, so good for you for, you know, like. But I don't think you need to regret, you know, doing it earlier. I think maybe you were you were you do it when you're ready.00:04:58JackYou know, so.00:04:59XochitlYeah. I think for June.00:05:01JackYeah, uhm, my regrets. I you know, I I try not to regret too much. I try.00:05:07JackNot to ruminate.00:05:09JackI think that that can also affect.00:05:11JackYour your current mental.00:05:12JackHealth but.00:05:13XochitlIt's just toxic.00:05:14XochitlTo roommate for your own mental health, yeah.00:05:16JackExactly. Exactly. And.00:05:17JackBut but I I'm not, you know.00:05:19JackWe're, we brought this topic up.00:05:21JackSo that we could ruminate.00:05:22JackYou know.00:05:23발표자Right.00:05:24JackBut but but I'm I'm trying to think of some examples of things that I would I would change and I think like one of the things I.00:05:32JackWould change is music.00:05:34JackI would have started playing the guitar when I was younger and I would have taken like proper lessons and I I I wonder just in the back of my mind like how how good I could have been if I'd have actually put in the the work and the time learning the basics with the with the proper teacher.00:05:55JackAnd I just, I don't know why I.00:05:57JackWas just wasting my.00:05:58JackTime. You know, sitting there basically like, you know, throwing a ball against the wall in my bedroom for hours. You know, when I could have been bettering myself. So, you know, I, I I wonder about those things. The other regret that I have is I regret.00:06:19JackWasting so much time at the pub, you know, going to the bars in my 20.00:06:24JackI probably spent a decade of my life just sitting around and, you know, hanging out with the guys, drinking some beer and just wasting time. And it wasn't until I, you know, got married and and kind of got serious where I started.00:06:45JackYou know, lots of good things started happening to me. I went back to school, I got a Masters degree. I was.00:06:50JackWriting course books.00:06:52JackI was, you know, all these these really amazing things started to happen to me, and it all became because I I got out of that habit of just going, you know, spending every weekend, you know, at the pub so.00:07:08JackI think those are my big regrets.00:07:09JackJust wasting time, you know? Time lost.00:07:13JackBut like you.00:07:14JackSaid, you know, there's, it's never too late to.00:07:16JackTo to to, you know, to go take a guitar lesson even when you're 47 years old. Like, why? Why? Why should that prevent me from doing it? So I think I have to kind of think of it that way.00:07:29XochitlOn building a scale and there's no time limit on being a musician. Truly.00:07:35XochitlYou can create music for your whole life, so if you want to go back and and take a guitar lesson or whatever, just do it. And I don't think that it's it's too late by any means and the IT to build the skill. It's just a hobby and you'll have a little more time now because your daughter is going to be moving on to College in a few years.00:07:57XochitlUM and.00:08:00XochitlThat just gives you some time to work on some hobbies and stuff that maybe you didn't.00:08:03XochitlQuite have before.00:08:05JackYeah. Yeah, that's right. That's right.00:08:07XochitlYes. And then?00:08:09XochitlYeah. You're gonna be an empty nester. So gotta get.00:08:11XochitlInto the.00:08:12XochitlGotta pick up some hobbies now.00:08:14JackYeah, well, podcasting is my hobby. Yeah.00:08:17XochitlThat's true. Another.00:08:18XochitlHobby, though, on top of the testing because podcasting.00:08:21XochitlIs like a work pretty much for you, it's.00:08:24XochitlFun but you.00:08:25XochitlDo you do put a lot of work?00:08:25JackJob a jobby we call it.00:08:27JackA jobby.00:08:28XochitlYeah, it is a.00:08:28XochitlDobby for you, that's a funny word.00:08:32XochitlAnd the other thing that you regret, I don't think you should regret spending a decade in pubs with Your Bros. That's kind of what your 20s are for. Yeah, when you got married and you stepped up to the plate as a married man and everything.00:08:48XochitlThings went a certain way professionally because you're ready for that to.00:08:51XochitlHappen then you're ready to take on the responsibility of being married and.00:08:55XochitlAll of those.00:08:55XochitlThings, and I think that that's a great thing, but I don't think you should regret.00:08:59JackYeah, I I did have good times. Yeah, but.00:09:01XochitlYou need to get there.00:09:04JackI I guess it it would be much.00:09:05JackWorse, if I were still, you know, if I'd had done 30s and 40s in the pub as well, you know then.00:09:10XochitlYeah, that wouldn't.00:09:11XochitlBe great. I mean, if you were still. Yeah, that's a waste of lifetime. It's not like. Yeah, so, you know. Yeah, I I wouldn't regret that now because it's like a it's an essential part of your 20s to go out and.00:09:11JackThat's a wasted life plans.00:09:23XochitlHave I I?00:09:24XochitlBelieve that if you hadn't had some like that in your 20s, you would regret it now more than if you had had fun.00:09:30JackThat's true. Found it just, you know, been just a workaholic in in my 20s and.00:09:35JackAnd I I don't know. Yeah, I I I wonder, you know, it's just like it's such a I was such a different person. Like I'm I'm so unrecognizable from my 20s to my 40s.00:09:46XochitlWell, that's a good thing to hear because.00:09:48XochitlIt means there's.00:09:48XochitlLike a lot.00:09:49XochitlOf hopefully a lot of good things.00:09:51XochitlIn the future yet.00:09:52XochitlTo come for.00:09:53JackOh yeah, yeah. The best is coming, right. You, you, you you really blossom when you you hit your 30s. You know, it's like when you.00:09:58JackFind your stride.00:10:00JackYou know, 20s is still about a time of figuring things out, so you don't need it.00:10:05XochitlCan't wait.00:10:05JackAll you know, buttoned up and in your 20s.00:10:11XochitlAll right, listeners, let us know, do you have any regrets? And they don't have to be big or painful stories like you can share those. But even just simple regrets, let us know in the comments at AZ and a comment down below. Let us shoot us.00:10:25XochitlAn e-mail at and join our.00:10:29XochitlWe chat or WhatsApp.00:10:30XochitlWhoops, to join the conversations, we will see you guys next.00:10:32XochitlTime. Bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok:@atozenglish1Instagram:@atozenglish22Twitter:@atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: to the show: and Jack started a new You Tube channel called English Word Master. 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Topic Talk | Regrets

Topic Talk | Regrets
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