The Republic Day Fanfare | In Our Defence Ep 43

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India celebrated its 74th Republic Day on January 26th, 2023 with a grand parade in the capital city of New Delhi. The parade, which is an annual event, was held at Kartavyapath and was attended by dignitaries from all over the world, including the President of India.This year's parade had a special focus on the inclusion of women in the military. For the first time in India's history, an all-women's motorcycle team from the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) participated in the parade, showcasing their precision and skill. The parade also featured a tableau from the Indian Army's Corps of Signals, which highlighted the role of women in the Indian Army's communication network.The parade also showcased India's military might, with a display of various weapons systems and equipment, including tanks, missiles, and fighter jets. The Indian Air Force also performed a fly-past, with fighter jets and helicopters showcasing their capabilities.The parade also included a display of India's cultural diversity, with floats from various states of India showcasing their unique customs, traditions, and art forms.The parade was followed by a 21-gun salute and the national anthem was played. The President of India also awarded bravery medals to members of the Indian military for their service and sacrifice to the nation.The Indian military played a major role in the republic day celebrations, with the three wings of the Indian armed forces, the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force participating in the parade. The parade also showcased the Indian military's capabilities, strength, and readiness to defend the nation.In the 43rd episode of In Our Defence, Dev Goswami, the show's host, and "Def-Savvy" Abhishek Bhalla the national bureau chief, share their individual experiences of the Republic Day fanfare. Tune in!

The Republic Day Fanfare | In Our Defence Ep 43

The Republic Day Fanfare | In Our Defence Ep 43
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