Bonus: Year in Review

Release Date:

2022 has finally ended. 
Some of it bad, some of it splendid.   
There was Russia’s invasion.   
And Ukraine’s self-defense.   
The west lobbed isolation 
against Moscow’s offense.   
This was also the year America closed the door  
despite a generation of fighting   
its 20-year-war 
We saw economic turmoil  
And those who could not tweet  
We debated inflation 
And whether small investors could beat the street  
We debated food, SATs, and if the Classics were overrated  
Aliens, and whether Britain’s Monarchy should be abated  
Affirmative action, cancel culture, and if Trump should be indicted, 
Unions, public radio, and what information disorder has ignited.  
Gene editing and digital dollars were fresh to the palette.  
We debated adaptation, and whether your Tesla helps the planet, 
And of course there was Roe, and if AI does more harm than good, 
Kissinger, Covid, and just how we all withstood  
midterms elections 
and if globalization backfired 
soft landings, and cities, and if democracy is mired  
in existential threat.    
OK...hold on, that’s not cheery.   
We can’t end this year leaving you tired and weary.   
So here’s to you listeners and watchers of debate 
Who at times may have wondered what is the fate  
Of a discourse that is broken  
Or at least a bit hobbled.  
When listening to a nation that yells and a people who squabble.  
Fear not, dear listeners, we say with some hope.  
We do in fact have a way you can cope.  
Real debate and discussion offers intellectual cheer.  
And so with that we wish you safe holidays…. 

… and a happy new year.  
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Bonus: Year in Review

Bonus: Year in Review
Release Date
