Watching Sports is Good for You

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Watching Sports is Good for You

Baseball! Basketball! Soccer! Playing sports is good for us. We get exercise. We become healthier. Playing sports makes us feel happy too. We make friends. We are part of a team or a group. That's good for us too.
棒球、籃球、足球! 從事運動可以讓我們會變得更健康,還會交到朋友,成為團隊的一份子。

Many of us don't play sports. But maybe we watch sports. This doesn't make us exercise. But it can make us feel happy. So… is watching sports good for us?

Researchers in Japan studied people who watch sports. They looked at lots of data. They asked questions. They studied pictures of people's brains after the people watched sports.

The researchers say watching sports alone is good for us. But watching with many people is better!

At a sports stadium, we don't know the people around us. That's okay! We like the same team. We are friends for a few hours. We are in a big group. We feel happy we have friends and are in a group. That's good for us!
在球場看比賽的時候,我們不認識周圍的人! 但是沒關係,只要我們支持同一隊,在這幾個小時我們就是朋友,都是一個團體,我們就會很快樂!

Playing sports AND watching sports are good for us! Are you going to watch some sports now?



1. soccer 足球。
Hey, you look bored. 你看起來很無聊。
I AM bored.我是滿無聊的。
Want to watch a soccer game? 想看足球賽嗎?
There's a game going on right now? 現在有足球賽?
2. team 隊伍。
Yeah, Germany vs. Turkey. 對啊,德國對土耳其。
Wow, I'm a German team fan! 哇,我是德國隊粉絲! You should have told me earlier! 你應該早點告訴我的。
3. watch 看。
Come and watch it with me.來跟我一起看吧。
No, I'm going to watch it at Kevin's. 不了,我要去凱文家看。
4. friend 朋友。
He has a bunch of friends there.他那裏有一群朋友。
Am I his friend? 我是他的朋友嗎?
You will be if you go.你去了就是了。
Then what are we waiting for? 那我們在等什麼?
你今天學到哪些單字? soccer足球 team隊伍 watch看 friend朋友



1. What happens when we watch sports?
a. We exercise.
b. We play sports.
c. We feel happy.
2. What makes watching sports better for us?
a. Watching with many people
b. Watching alone
c. Watching after playing sports
3. What was something the researchers studied?
a. Pictures of brains
b. Videos of sports
c. Pictures of sports

1. c
2. a
3. a

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Watching Sports is Good for You

Watching Sports is Good for You
Release Date
