Very Big Goldfish in Lakes Worry Scientists

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Very Big Goldfish in Lakes Worry Scientists

Goldfish are sooooo cute! People see them and want them!

Goldfish are good pets. They're small. They can live in a small fishbowl. They're easy to take care of.

But goldfish aren't always small. They can get very big. Now fishermen are finding big goldfish in the Great Lakes in the USA and Canada.

These fish are forty centimeters long! *gasp* They're as big as American footballs! Can you imagine a football in a fishbowl?
這些魚居然有40公分長! 跟美式足球一樣大!

Scientists say pet goldfish don't belong in lakes. They belong in fishbowls. But some people don't want their goldfish anymore. They put their fish in lakes.

One scientist says goldfish eat "anything and everything." But not many animals eat goldfish. And these fish have many baby fish every year!

Now there are millions of very big goldfish in the Great Lakes. Scientists are very worried. The fish aren't good for lake water. They aren't good for the plants and animals there.

Small, cute goldfish eat everything in lakes and get very big. Let's help keep lakes free from gol…


1. small 小的
What a lovely fishbowl! 好可愛的魚缸!
And you have five goldfish there! 你有五條金魚!
Yeah, I used to have 8, but maybe my fishbowl is too small. 對,我以前有八條魚,但我的金魚缸可能太小了。

2. belong 屬於
Maybe they belong in a pond. 也可能牠們屬於池塘。
No, my fishbowl is a nice place. 不會,我的金魚缸是個好地方。

3. everything 所有東西
See how happy these five goldfish are! 你看這五條魚多快樂!
What do they eat? 牠們吃什麼呢?
They eat everything. 什麼都吃。

4. centimeter 公分
I sometimes feed them cooked rice. 我有時候餵牠們吃飯。
Will they grow bigger? 牠們會不會長更大?
Yeah, to at least 10 centimeters. 會,至少長到十公分長。

Do you like goldfish? 來讀一遍單字。

1. How many centimeters long can goldfish get?
a. Four
b. Fourteen
c. Forty

2. Where do scientists say pet goldfish belong?
a. Lakes
b. The sea
c. Fishbowls

3. Where are the goldfish in this story?
a. The USA
b. Japan
c. Taiwan

1. c
2. c
3. a

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Very Big Goldfish in Lakes Worry Scientists

Very Big Goldfish in Lakes Worry Scientists
Release Date
