This Library Wants Cat Pictures

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This Library Wants Cat Pictures

Have you borrowed books from a library? Libraries have great books!

It's important to return books on time. It's also important to take good care of them. If you lose a book, some libraries take your library card! Oh no!

During the pandemic, many people lost books. Their libraries took their cards. But in one American city, the library wants these people to enjoy the library again.

Do people have to pay for their lost books? No! They can bring a picture of a cat. A cat? Yep! Then they get their library card back!

Many people brought cute cat pictures. But one boy didn't have a cat. So he drew a cat! He got his library card back!

This library is kind. Some people don't have money for lost books. But they want to go to the library. So the cat pictures are making everyone happy!

The library is welcoming everyone back. It's showing that making mistakes is okay. It's also showing there's always a way to start over, especially when cute cats help! Let's go borrow some books!



1. borrow 借
That book you borrowed from me…? 你跟我借的那本書…
Yeah, "Everyone Poops 大家來大便," we're not done yet. 我們還沒有看完。

2. back 回來
It's from the library. 它是圖書館的書。
It's a fun book. My son enjoyed it a lot。它是好玩的書,我兒子很喜歡看。
Would you bring it back to me tomorrow? 可以明天帶回來給我嗎?

3. return 歸還
I need to return it. 我需要歸還。
Of course. we've learned a lot from it.當然,我們已經學到很多了。

4. some 一些
What have you learned? I'm curious. 你們學到什麼? 我很好奇。
That some animals poop on the move. 有的動物一邊走一邊大。

Do you have a library card? 一起來讀單字。



1. Why do libraries take some people's library cards?
a. People lost books.
b. People sold books.
c. People bought books.

2. What did one boy draw?
a. A book
b. A cat
c. A library

3. What is the library showing?
a. Making mistakes is okay.
b. Books are okay.
c. Losing books is okay.

1. a
2. b
3. a

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This Library Wants Cat Pictures

This Library Wants Cat Pictures
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