This Election King Loses But Wins

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This Election King Loses But Wins

This is the world's biggest election year! But what's an election?

An election is when a group of people say who they want for their leaders. Maybe the leaders are for their city or country.

People vote to say who they want. The person who gets the most votes is the winner.

This year, Taiwan had a big election. Some people wanted to be leaders. They ran for election. People voted. Now we have a new president, President Lai!

India had a big election too. Many people ran for election! They wanted to win! But one man didn't want to win…

A repairman has run for election 239 times. In India, people pay to run in an election. This man has paid more than $3 million Taiwan dollars!

He hasn't won. But that's okay! He wants people to see that anyone can run for election. And he wants people to see that it's okay to lose.

People call this man the "Election King." Maybe he's the real winner!


1. vote 投票。
Have you made up your mind? 你拿定主意了嗎?
About whom to vote for? 要投給誰嗎?
Yes. 對。
Of course I have.我當然決定好了。I'll be voting for the youngest people. 我要投給最年輕的候選人。
2. election 選舉。
Not many young people run for elections. 年輕人競選的不多。
You're wrong. 你錯了。Many of them are interested in politics.他們很多都對政治有興趣。
3. leader 領袖。
But look at those world leaders. 但是你看看那些世界領袖。Many are older, even beyond 70。很多都老老的,甚至超過七十歲。
Wrong again. 你又錯了。
4. win 贏得。
Canada's Justin Trudeau is young and handsome. 加拿大總理杜魯道年輕又帥氣。
That's different! 那不一樣! His family was in politics.他來自政治家庭。
我們一起來讀單字。vote投票 election選舉 leader領袖 win贏得



1. How do people say who they want in elections?
a. They vote.
b. They run.
c. They win.
2. Who is President Lai?
a. An Indian repairman
b. India's new president
c. Taiwan's new president
3. What does the Election King want to show people?
a. Anybody can run.
b. Losing is bad.
c. He has money.
1. a
2. c
3. a

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This Election King Loses But Wins

This Election King Loses But Wins
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