This Cat Loves Salad

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This Cat Loves Salad

A woman wanted a cat. She went to an animal shelter to get one. Animal shelters take care of animals with no homes. People can get a pet and take it home.

The animal shelter had many cats. The woman saw a cute black cat. She liked him very much. He went home with her.

At home, she learned something about the cat. He ate a lot! And he wanted to eat more than cat food!

One day, she ate a sandwich. The cat smelled the sandwich. He meowed and meowed loudly.
The woman cut up vegetables for a salad every day. The cat started to steal some. He took lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and avocados.

Since then, the cat wants salad with his cat food! He loves vegetables and fruit. They make him very healthy!

But sometimes the cat eats other food. He likes bread, hamburgers, cheese, and potato chips too! Uh-oh! Does the woman give these to him? Nope! He steals them from her!
這隻貓偶爾也吃其他的食物,牠也喜歡吃麵包、漢堡、起司跟洋芋片!是牠主人給牠的嗎? 當然不是喔,牠偷偷叼走的!

The woman shares her salad with her cat. Every day, they eat healthy food together!



1. sandwich 三明治
Hey, Jane, what's up? 過得如何?
Not much, Paz. I just got myself a sandwich. 沒事,我剛買了一個三明治。
Want a bite? 要吃一口嗎?
No, I ate a big hamburger half an hour ago.不了,我半個鐘頭前才吃了一個大漢堡。

2. hamburger 漢堡
A good hamburger? 好吃的漢堡嗎?
Yeah, very good. 很好吃的。
It has tomatoes, cheese and beef. 有番茄,起司和牛肉。

3. vegetable 蔬菜
I thought you prefer vegetables and fruit.我以為你比較愛青菜水果。
I do. But I can't eat those things every day.我是啊,但是不能天天吃那些。

4. bread 麵包
I know what you mean. 我懂你的意思。
I like bread, and I have a different kind of bread every week. 我喜歡麵包,每個星期換吃不同的麵包。



1. Where did the woman get the cat from?
a. The street
b. An animal shelter
c. Her home

2. What does the cat like to eat?
a. Soup
b. Chocolate
c. Salad

3. What did the cat steal?
a. A sandwich
b. Vegetables
c. Cat food

1. b
2. c
3. b

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This Cat Loves Salad

This Cat Loves Salad
Release Date
