These Astronauts Will Make History

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These Astronauts Will Make History

The universe is big. It's very, very big. And every day, every hour, every second, it gets bigger!

There's a lot to learn about the universe. There are millions and billions of places in it! Scientists are learning more about it all the time!

Some scientists explore the universe with telescopes. Others use robots that take photos. And some brave scientists travel to space! These brave scientists are astronauts.

Only American astronauts have walked on the moon. But that's going to change! Space travel includes more people now.

In a few years, a Japanese astronaut will walk on the moon! This will be an important moment in our history. It will be the first time a non-American astronaut walks on the moon!

That's not all! Next year, an American spaceship will fly around the moon. The astronauts include the first Black man, the first woman, and the first non-American to fly around the moon.

More astronauts are included in space travel now. This is an important time for our world and the universe!


1. astronaut 太空人
Listen to this. 你聽這個。
Why couldn't the astronaut book a room on the moon? 為什麼太空人訂不到月球上的房間?
I don't know. Why? 我不知道。為什麼?

2. travel 旅行
Because it was full! 因為是滿月!
Okay, that's a good one. 好吧,很好笑。
But isn't it cool? 不是很酷嗎?
Traveling to the moon? 去月球旅行?

3. brave 勇敢的
Probably. But it's really too far away. 也許吧,不過那真的太遠了。
I'm not that brave. 我沒有那麼勇敢。

4. space 太空
I'm afraid I'll die of loneliness.我恐怕會死於寂寞。
Why are you worried about that? 你怎麼會擔心那個?
Because I'll be in empty space! 因為我會在空空的太空裡!


1. What happens to the universe every second?
a. It gets smaller.
b. It gets bigger.
c. It gets braver.
2. What do scientists use to take photos of the universe?
a. Aliens
b. Robots
c. Rabbits

3. Which country's astronaut will walk on the moon?
a. Jordan
b. Japan
c. Jamaica

1. b
2. b
3. b

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These Astronauts Will Make History

These Astronauts Will Make History
Release Date
