The Tail of a Whale Tells All

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The Tail of a Whale Tells All

Whales are big, beautiful animals. Some of them are as long as three buses!

Many people want to see whales. Some of us go on boats to watch them. But nobody knows where and when we can see them. And many times, we see the tail or a very small part.

We try to take pictures. But whales don't stop moving! It's hard to take pictures! But they let us feel a little closer to the whales we see. What's another way to feel closer?

Some scientists found a smart way. They use Artificial Intelligence, or AI, in an app. It knows the tails of 70,000 whales! Every tail is different.

We upload a picture of our whale's tail. The app finds whose tail it is.

The app shows the whale's name if it has one. We can see where people saw it. When it has no name, we can name it!

AI helps us learn more about the whales we see. It uses our pictures of their tails. Now we can feel closer to these big, beautiful animals!



1. take pictures 拍照
This is so nice! To be out here on the sea! 出來在大海上真好!
It's very nice, but I'm here to take pictures of whales. 確實很棒,但是我還是希望拍到鯨魚。

2. feel 感覺
They will come. You'll see. 牠們會來,你會看到的。
I can feel them close by. 我感覺牠們就在附近。
You can FEEL they're close? 你可以感覺到牠們在附近?

3. when 什麼時候
Nobody knows when a whale will show up! 沒有人知道鯨魚什麼時候會出現。
Oh but I do.我就可以。

4. know 知道
There they are! 就在那裏。
More than one! 不只一頭!
I told you.我就跟你說啊。
How did you know? 你是怎麼知道的?
I have no idea. I just did. 我也不知,我就是知道。

Try to use these words.
take pictures拍照


1. How many whales' tails does the app know?
a. 7,000
b. 17,000
c. 70,000

2. What do we upload to the app?
a. Movies
b. Pictures
c. Sounds

3. What can we do when a whale doesn't have a name?
a. Name it
b. Take pictures
c. Go on a boat

1. c
2. b
3. a

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The Tail of a Whale Tells All

The Tail of a Whale Tells All
Release Date
