The Mystery Cleaner in the Workshop

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The Mystery Cleaner in the Workshop

Kid: I wish … I wish someone would clean my room!

Narrator: Some kids dream of never needing to clean their room again. Can this dream come true?

Well, a man in Wales is living this dream. He has a workshop. It's a place where he makes or fixes things. His workshop has many small things in it: nuts, bolts, nails, and more.
有一個住在威爾斯的人就活在這種夢想裡! 他有一間工作室,裡面有很多小東西,像是螺帽、螺栓、釘子等等。
He puts the small things here, there, and everywhere. But every morning, his workshop is cleaned up! All of the small things are in a box.
The man thought "Who is doing this for me?" It was a big mystery.

He put a video camera in his workshop. Then he watched the video. The cleaner wasn't a person! It was a mouse! Can you imagine a mouse cleaning up for you? That's amazing!

Was the mouse strong? The man wanted to find out. He gave the mouse some challenges. He put out heavier things. And guess what? This mouse can lift!
This man in Wales never worries about cleaning up now. It's all thanks to the mouse! Do you dream of having a mouse too?



1. never 從不
Cleaning up is never a problem for me. 打掃清潔對我從來不是問題。
Never ever? 從來不是嗎?
Right, because my younger sister does it for me. 對,因為我妹妹會幫我做。

2. imagine 想像
Such a nice sister! 這麼好的妹妹!
I can't imagine any of my sisters doing that. 我不能想像我的姐妹會那樣。

3. workshop 工作室
So you've got a problem. 所以你有個難題。
No, I don't. 我沒有。
Because I sleep in my workshop. 因為我睡在工作室。

4. worry 擔心
It only has a bed, a desk and a chair. 那裏只有一張床,桌子和椅子。
Very simple.非常簡單。
And you don't worry about dust? 你不擔心灰塵?
Not at all.一點也不。



1. Who is cleaning up the workshop?
a. A person
b. A nut
c. A mouse

2. In the morning, what are all the things in?
a. A bag
b. A bowl
c. A box

3. What does the man use to find out who is cleaning up?
a. A video camera
b. A bolt
c. A mystery

1. c
2. c
3. a

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The Mystery Cleaner in the Workshop

The Mystery Cleaner in the Workshop
Release Date
