The Kid Teacher

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The Kid Teacher

A young girl was inspired by her older brother and sister. They were doing very well in school. She became excited about doing well in school too!

The girl became the youngest student at her university. Her classmates didn't know she was 13. She felt like a secret superhero! She studied hard to be a teacher. She finished university when she was 15!

But… she wanted to teach. She didn't want her parents to drive her to work. She wanted to drive. But she had to be 16 to get a driver's license.

The girl got her driver's license and started teaching. At 16, she's the youngest teacher in the U.S.!

She teaches Grade 3. She makes her classes fun! She asks her students to try new things. She tells them to think about what they can do, not what they can't do.

Her students don't think she's a kid. They see her talking with other teachers. They see her driving.

This young teacher inspires her students. They try to do and be the best they can. Who inspires you?

1. student 學生
I told my students a joke. 我跟學生講了一個笑話。
But they didn't laugh. 可是他們都沒笑。
What was the joke? 什麼笑話?
"How does the ocean say hello? It waves." 海洋如何說哈囉? 它揮揮手。

2. teach 教學
Maybe you need to teach the word "wave" first. 也許你得先教「海浪」這個字。
I think so, too. 我也覺得。

3. youngest 最年輕
But Annie, my youngest student, asked me to explain. 不過我的年紀最小的學生安妮,有要我解釋。
She's only 9. 她只有九歲。

4. class 班級
A 9-year-old in your grade-6 class? 九歲上你六年級的班?
Yeah, and she's doing very well. 對,而且她表現很好。

1. Who inspired the girl?
a. Her older brother
b. Her best friend
c. A superhero

2. How old was the girl when she became a teacher?
a. Thirteen
b. Fifteen
c. Sixteen

3. What does the teacher tell her students to think about?
a. What they can do
b. What they can't do
c. How to have fun

1. a
2. c
3. a

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The Kid Teacher

The Kid Teacher
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