The Fish Taxi Accident

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The Fish Taxi Accident

In Oregon, lots of salmon are NOT born in rivers. These baby fish are born in hatcheries. Workers help them grow. Young fish are safe there.

When salmon are about a year and a half old, they leave their hatchery. They take a fish taxi!

Fish taxis are trucks with a big tank. Hatchery workers put salmon and water in the tank.

The truck drives the fish to a river. The salmon swim down the river to the ocean. There, they become big and strong.

One day, a truck was driving near a river. The tank had more than 100,000 salmon in it. The fish were going to a big river.

But the road was wet. The truck turned and ---oh, no! There was a bad accident!

The driver was okay! But the tank rolled down by the river. Water and many, many salmon came out of the tank!

Some did not live… But 77,000 salmon were very lucky! They fell into the river and swam away!

Go, fish! Swim to the ocean!



1. fish 魚。
Let's get a pet. 我們養個寵物吧。
Good idea! A dog or a cat? 好主意,養狗還是養貓?
I think we should get some fish.我覺得應該養魚。
2. swim 游泳。
Fish? You can't cuddle a fish! 魚?你沒辦法跟魚抱抱。
But I enjoy watching them swim. 但是我喜歡看牠們游泳。It's so relaxing.讓人很放鬆。
3. water 水。
Okay, so how should we start? 好吧,該怎麼開始?
Buy a fish tank and put water in it. 買一個魚缸,放水進去。
4. lucky 幸運的。
Yeah, and I'll find two pairs of colorful fish.對,我去找兩對彩色的魚。
If we're lucky, we'll get baby fish! 我們幸運的話,還會有小貝比魚!
Do you like fish as pets? fish魚 swim游泳 water水 lucky幸運的



1. In Oregon, where do workers help fish grow?
a. The ocean
b. Hatcheries
c. Rivers
2. What is a "fish taxi"?
a. A boat
b. A truck
c. A car
3. When the accident happened, where did the salmon come out?
a. By a river
b. On the road
c. In a hatchery

1. b
2. b
3. a

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The Fish Taxi Accident

The Fish Taxi Accident
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